Thursday, May 12, 2022

Death Valley

My Dad ended up coming out this week.

Background: my Dad still lives on the East Coast, where I grew up, and we hadn't seen each other in four years. Between the pandemic, and me moving back and forth across oceans, it just did not work out, on more than one occasion. Since things have settled, at least a little bit, this seemed like the best time.

We ended up going to Death Valley. We got to see the salt flats, and every other kind of desert scenery you can imagine.

On the way back, we stopped in Pahrump, where a friend of mine just moved out to.

To the surprise of everyone, it turns out that a group of folks from India bought one of the hotels in town, and decided to buy a bar down the road from it and turn it into an Indian restaurant. The end result is a sports bar that also serves amazing North Indian food.

Never in my life would I have thought that I would have great Indian food in Pahrump, but I did.

Good trip over all.


  1. I know the Indian restaurant you are referring to :-) I thought about trying it the last time I visited Pahrump, I will definitely give it a try now!

    Glad to hear you got to see your father and your trip to Death Valley was good ^_^

  2. I don't think I have ever tried Indian food. I have tried Sri Lankan food, but they aren't the same despite having similar origins.

  3. Glad you guys got to bond with your Dad, sounds like you guys had a good time.

  4. A trip well deserved 4 years is a long time, glad you were able to have that moment with your dad.

  5. That sounds like such a good trip. I'm sure lots of memories were created.

  6. Glad you got to spend time with your dad

  7. I don't know much about indian food, but how does north indian compare to common indian foods? Are they the same?

  8. I've always want to to Pahrump, but I haven't had a chance to do so as yet. Now that you mentioned Indian food, I think I will make some time during the summer break to take that trip. I like Indian food and that is more motivation for my trip.

  9. I miss my parents, it has not been four years but I miss them a lot. I am glad you got to spend some time with your dad! Indian food and a sports bar, sounds up my alley.

  10. That sounds like fun! I have not been to the salt flats but I have been wanting to go for a while now

  11. Death Valley is fun. I camped there for two days. It was amazing with the sand dunes.

  12. The salt flats are a must see for people who haven't had a chance to go yet.
