This week, I started working on the first part of the second LabSims unit. I have to admit that I found some of the simulations really difficult to complete at first. While I watched the tutorial on how to work with the interface, it still took some getting used to, moving different devices to and from the shelf, into the workspace, back and forth. I had to try one of the exercises several times before I was able to get it right. I definitely did not have this experience with the first unit.
I think part of why I struggled so much has to do with just a general lack of knowledge as far as hardware goes for these things. I knew some of the basics already, like what the AC power cord looks like, or what a USB cable is, but my knowledge beyond that was basically nonexistent. All the different types of ports and connectors were just very alien to me. New territory for sure.
This isn't a bad thing, though. I'm going to be working with electronics quite a bit, and I'm sure that will entail working with some of these elements at some point. Any familiarity with those beforehand can only help.